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Pawsome Efficiency Unleashed: Extreme K-9 Professional Dog Training Masters the Art with Gingr

Written by Gingr | 7/7/23 10:06 PM

Extreme K-9 Professional Dog Training is a renowned dog training facility that specializes in training dogs for high-stakes tasks such as search and rescue, police work, and protection. Owner and chief trainer, Behesha Doan, is an accomplished and versatile dog trainer, who has transformed the lives of countless companion and working dogs through her expertise.

Established in 2009, Extreme K-9 found its home in Carbondale, Illinois. Situated on the outskirts of a vibrant college town and nestled in the rural part of the county, their facility is located at the edge of a breathtaking National Wildlife Refuge. With a team consisting of seven passionate and dedicated members led by Behesha, Extreme K-9 is committed to delivering top-notch dog training services.

With a reputation for excellence, Extreme K-9 needed a software solution that could match their level of professionalism and efficiently manage their operations. That's when they discovered Gingr.

Since implementing Gingr, Extreme K-9 Professional Dog Training has experienced a significant transformation in its business operations. The comprehensive features and user-friendly interface of Gingr have streamlined their processes, giving them more time to focus on what they do best – training exceptional dogs. Behesha states, “My favorite part of the job is that I have the privilege of watching the transformation of every dog take place. Every owner is looking for a solution and a way to grow closer to their beloved family member and each week they get to share what they have overcome and how they are growing together."

One of the aspects that Extreme K-9 appreciates most about Gingr is its robust booking management system. The software allows them to easily schedule and manage training sessions, ensuring that each dog receives personalized attention and care. The calendar view provides a clear overview of their daily schedule, making it a breeze to assign trainers, allocate resources, and maintain an organized training environment.

The ability to track individual dog progress is another standout feature of Extreme K-9. With Gingr, they can record and monitor each dog's training milestones, behavior patterns, and performance metrics. This valuable data not only helps trainers track the progress of individual dogs but also enables them to tailor training programs to each dog's specific needs.

Gingr's reporting feature has also become an indispensable tool for Extreme K-9. The comprehensive reports provide them with insights into their business performance, such as revenue generated, popular training programs, and customer satisfaction levels. Armed with this information, they can make data-driven decisions, refine their services, and further enhance their training programs.

Gingr's client communication tools have proven to be invaluable for Extreme K-9. They can effortlessly send updates, training reports, and appointment reminders to their clients, ensuring effective and timely communication. The convenience of these communication features has not only improved client satisfaction but also strengthened the relationship between Extreme K-9 and its customers. “The automated reminders and texting clients from the Gingr app on the fly are a couple of my favorite features! This makes connecting effortless," says Behesha.

Gingr has revolutionized the way Extreme K-9 Professional Dog Training operates. The software's comprehensive features, from seamless booking management to progress tracking and robust reporting, have empowered Extreme K-9 to provide exceptional dog training services while maintaining efficient business operations. Gingr is helping us grow our contact with our clients into professional relationships. We can keep track of the things they find most important. Our team keeps their concerns top of mind by prioritizing their pet's needs and then tracking them in the appropriate space in their profile. Gingr helps us record their dog's most vital information, concerns, needs, fears, and faves to grow trusting relationships with them for the long term."

With Gingr as its trusted software partner, Extreme K-9 looks forward to continued success in its mission of training extraordinary dogs.